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Animal Control

Safe For You And Easy For Your Staff

It is well known that dealing with animals can lead to dangerous situations. Even with top of the range handling equipment a persons ability to fully restrain the actions of a bovine animal is restricted. Stock inflicted injuries are common and many farmers have experienced situations where their own or the life and well being of staff may have been at risk. (ACC pays many hundreds of thousands of dollars to injuries caused by farm animals and there are deaths every year) TechniPharms goal is to make farming ezy. To provide tools and equipment which make controlling animals safe for the operator while enhancing the wellbeing of the animal. Farming animals means treating animals and looking after them to ensure their optimum wellbeing. Jobs like drenching, castrating, preg testing, semen extraction, dehorning, tagging, AI and general vet treatments are a necessity. However, these treatments invariably have a discomfort level. The safety of the operator relies on control of the animal to reduce risk of accidents. To achieve this most farmers have some form of mechanical restraint, like a headbail or handler but some animals simply react badly. Of course sedation via injection is an option but this is only viable and practical in some situations. TechniPharm offers a product which complements the mechanical restraint to aid animal control. This product is the Pacifier or animal control unit. The unit consists of a rechargeable pack and a probe. The probe is inserted into the rectum of the animal and when turned on sends a special waveform of pulses which controls muscle movements in the animal.  Similar technology Tense machines  are used in some human medical situations for muscle control during childbirth, post surgical situations, pain relief in trauma and some musculoskeletal conditions. (Bergman2007) Why should you invest in a TechniPharm  Pacifier animal control unit? - It will improve animal wellbeing during potentially painful or stressful treatments - It will be easier and faster to apply treatments to animals - It will be safer for you and your staff to control animals - It may improve PH levels as there is less stress - It will help staff do their job with more ease - It may save your life Is the unit hard to use? The unit is very simple to use. It is a compact, robust, very high quality tool inside a stainless casing. A simple instruction card comes with the unit which takes 5 minutes to read. When would you use a Pacifier on bovine animals? - Hooftrimming - Bull fertility testing - Dehorning - Castrating - Breaking in heifers - Mothering calves - Removing entangled wire from legs - Tagging (particularly EID tagging where placement of tag is vital) - Injection work - Control of dangerous animals - Control of wound up animals - Branding (cold or hot) - Teat canal injection work - Mouthing - Downer recovery - Pink Eye treatment - General vet work where animals need to stand quiet Any situation where staff/stock handlers safety is compromised This is tool is NOT a replacement for pain reducing or anestatic treatments 

Check what you can and can not do or with animals with or without out anestatic or vet supervison. Tense technology is commonly used in Human back pain or birthing around the world, however some countries or states have limitations on the use of this equipment for animals check before you buy. 

$1495.00 NZD + GST


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