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Calf Handler All New Design

Calf Handler All New DesignCalf Handler All New Design
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Calf Handler All New Design

Great Crate For All Dairy Calf Management

A simple but very effective calf handler to hold the calf securely for dehorning/tagging and other jobs. Equipped with holding jaw brace and backup chain. Easy close and open headbail. Can be mounted on weighbars for weighing to confirm progress weightgain. This all new design has no plywood but a new composite material, easy clean and a strong fibreglass non slip floor. A great unit for all Calf work. Option to Budget...Get a ICONIX 2000KG set of bars and a FX 1 monitor with this for a great package. $2250.-+ GST and Freight limited stock, conditions may apply.

$1695.00 NZD + GST
Part No. CHCH


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