TechniPharm is committed to ensuring that privacy is protected for users of our web site in relation to personal information. The information we collect is used to inform you and market our products and services.
This privacy policy applies to Technipharm group of companies which may hold personal information on its websites.
Technipharm reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time with or without notice.
By viewing and using the information provided on our sites you will be deemed to agree to this privacy policy.
The TechniPharm privacy policy reflects the requirements of the New Zealand Privacy legislation and the 12 Information Privacy Principles (IPP'S) which set out rules and exceptions to those rules. This policy should be read in conjunction with the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 located that the website link below
Collection of information
Technipharm is a "global" business serving the agricultural community with goods and services. Our franchisees, dealers, advisors and technical experts and associates may collect information from you with the sole purpose of serving you to the best of our ability and as efficiently as possible.
We store list of visits to the site known as Website Hits and use this list to compile statistical information with a purpose to tailor design the site to best use and most popular product or service demand. The collection of data records some very basic information about you or your business, like date, time and duration of your visit and what pages you viewed. In this context what is not relevant to us is the personal information, but rather the behaviour of the visit. This file does not identify your email address (unless you send it to us via the online enquiry form)
Technipharm does use cookies for tracking membership data created after you supply your contact details to us or login into the membership section of the site. The products and categories you visit while logged into the membership system are recorded for statistical information and to assist you in revisiting previous products or requesting more information from Technipharm. While you are logged into the site, you will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the auction clock. Your session can be closed at any time by simply closing all your browser windows or deleting your cookies.
Also refer point 7 below, Holding, Correcting and Updating Information.
Storage of information
TechniPharm stores all website information on servers which are controlled and have secure restricted access to our company and website design providers.
Information from website enquiry request is alternatively stored on our customer database and/or accounting programs.
Disclosure of information
Other than for the purpose of serving you the best we can, information is not shared, sold, or given to anyone else not related to our business activity.
Content Providers, Advertisers and Partners
We can not control the practices of content providers, partners, link partners and or advertisers associated with our core website. However we expect these 3rd parties to act with integrity and we ask you to inform us if they do not. In any case we recommend that if you utilize any of these providers separately from TechniPharm Group of companies you check their privacy policy.
Use of information
The information you freely provide in the online enquiry form or email comments will only be used to provide you with information and feedback in relation to the products or services TechniPharm Group of companies provide.
If you opt into our mailing list, we may occasionally email you promotional offers or industry information. You can opt out at any time by contacting us or following the 'unsubscribe' link on the email.
Holding, Correcting and Updating Information
If you are an individual, under the NZ Privacy Act 1993 you have the rights of access to and correction of personal information that TechniPharm holds. We offer the ability for you to correct, update or request us to delete the information at any stage.
You can use our website links for this or email us at
Online Store
We offer our clients the ability to purchase goods via the online store. The store is operated by TechniPharm group of Companies.
All transactions made through the online store are done over secure socket layer (SSL) technology. The certificate is issued by RapidSS.
If you have any concerns about making a transaction online or the security involved, please contact TechniPharm directly.You can use our website links for this or email us at
If you have any questions and or suggestions about this policy you are invited to contact TechniPharm, in person, via phone or email.