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Case Studies - iSheep® Farm

The project listed here are a snapshot of what we have done over the years, projects are listed in year order, latest ones first, older ones last.

A snap shot of a project may give you a quick way to establish if any of our make farming ezy product solutions would work for you. We can also put you in contact with the farmer related to the project if you feel its beneficial to have a chat.

First thing, get the frame up and levelled, square  and plumbStarting to look like a Presto ShedGot dark by the time the install team left, great sunset, Presto shed ready for business
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Presto shed  Orchard for Team Shelter 

Year Completed: 2022


Southern Cross Orchards Pyes Pa (Tauranga ) 


Provide for easy access shelter for people and gear. Ideally re locatuion should be easy and possible if needed in future 


Presto shed 6 by 6 with coloursteel roof and driven in ground anchors to allow for easy relocation . Level metal/ rock pad provided by client 


Concrete pad and shedConcrete pad and shedConcrete pad and shed
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PrestoShed for Truck cover 

Year Completed: 2022




Create a cover for the work truck/ loaded up and tools 


Presto Shed extended height 


The shed and pizza style pensTwo feed stations per pen, all clean and tidyRobot in actionHappy CalvesReady for an other drink ?
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Robot Automatic Adlib Feeders 

Year Completed: 2020


Waikite Valley Rotorua 


Feed dairy replacement and beef calves to 100 Kg. 


3 Robot Automatic Adlib feeders are set up to feed milk powder and waste milk to approx 400-600 calves each year. The Feeders are part of a comprehensive rearing program.

This property has used Robot feeders for 15 years and recently upgraded to new units.

The feeders are set up on a small garden shed in the centre of a pizza style pen configuration, each pen holds approx 20-30 calves which are supplied by 2 feed stations. Each Robot can supply 8 Feed stations.  

Client Testimonial:

Name available on request 


Erection of yards start on concrete pad under coverConstructionS bend from Bugel force to drafterDraft exitPerma Yards, performance through, quality and designThe planIn actionDrafting made ezy
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Sheep Yard Taranaki

Year Completed: 2018

Location: Inglewood


Modernise and Re align yards with existing woolshed and paddock lead ins.
New shed/ roof connected to Shearing shed


Compact high performance Perma Yard steel and polybelt sheep yard for general work and drafting, link in to woodshed


Great effort is put in finish and functionComfy on the job is Important for those long hours aheadFast, easy and safe
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Sheep Scanning

Year Completed: 2017


Nationwide, mostly mobile operators and contractors


Scanning of ewes for pregnancy with mobile scanning crate


Mobile scanning crate and weather shelter, anti elbow protection bar, ergonomic seat


Early morning startMaterials ready to be installedOutside post and gates concreted inLarge Lead in pensBugles and S curves to increase flowLong working race
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Kelso Sheep Yards

Year Completed: 2005




Efficient high through put drafting and handling yards


Streamlined Perma Yards under cover for scanning and handling with dual overlap of working mobs and working area through dual bugle design


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