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TechniPharm Brand Promise

Brand Promise Cattle Handling iBeef

Brand Promise Cattle Handling iBeef

The origin of a brand or branding is very old, the practice of branding originates in identifying the need by farmers to identify ownership of livestock in a way which is unique and easily visible. Even in todays digital world, the US brand registers are the only form of legal livestock ownership identification. A brand is a permanent marker and in todays commercial world a brand confirms a product or companies value proposition. The TechniPharm brand has been designed along the principles of Cattle Brand criteria and its value proposition is described in the attached PDF file. The Cattle Handling brand will be visible on all our promotion material and equipment and will be your guarantee of genuine ownership and pride.

Brand Promise Dairy Handling iDairy

Brand Promise Dairy Handling iDairy

The origin of a brand or branding is very old, the practice of branding originates in identifying the need by farmers to identify ownership of livestock in a way which is unique and easily visible. Even in todays digital world, the US brand registers are the only form of legal livestock ownership identification. A brand is a permanent marker and in todays commercial world a brand confirms a product or companies value proposition. The TechniPharm brand has been designed along the principles of Dairy Brand criteria and its value proposition is described in the attached PDF file. The Dairy Handling brand will be visible on all our promotion material and equipment and will be your guarantee of genuine ownership and pride.

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