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iSheep® News Articles

Climate Action Which Builds Agriculture

Climate Action Which Builds Agriculture

Action In Farmers Hands

Methane mitigation is required to meet the market

Created 26 June 2024

Hey Presto Here Is A Quality Shed

Hey Presto Here Is A Quality Shed

For Your Rv, Staff Shelter, Equipment Storage, Stock Handling So Many Uses

Preso Sheds are agreat NZ made solution to many shelter and cover problems 

Created 08 February 2023

Carbon, Where Does This Lead Us ?

Carbon, Where Does This Lead Us ?

Nzpims Article On Carbon

Land use changes in the wind, enviromental changes are needed, can we solve succession, protein production and carbon all in one? 

Created 14 March 2022

He Waka Eke Noa

He Waka Eke Noa

Keith Woodwards Perspective

Copy extracted from general media. An interetsing read 

Created 14 March 2022

Goat And Sheep Milking

Goat And Sheep Milking

With more farmers involved in the Goat and Sheep milking industry TechniPharm is enhancing its profile in this sector with some of its make farming ezy solutions 

Created 15 December 2021

Blame It On The Worms

Blame It On The Worms

De Carbonising The World

Created 07 December 2021

Whey Powder For Lambs ?

Whey Powder For Lambs ?

Created 03 November 2021

Nz N Caps Explained

Nz N Caps Explained

Nitrogen Caps Are Being Set For All Of Nz Farming Systems

Created 01 July 2021

Farming Nz Future Thoughts

Farming Nz Future Thoughts

Food Production Not What It Used To Be ?

some future thougts of what could happen 

Created 01 July 2021

Humus Facts And Myths

Humus Facts And Myths

Extracted From Dlg Mag May 2021

Created 05 May 2021

Replace Wood

Replace Wood

Wood Treatments Not Suitable For Long Term Farming Expectations

Article on wood treatments .

Wood has traditionaly been used on many farm applications like fencing and stock yards.

We see many yards being build in wood and a few years later post and rails are being replaced, all at great cost

Wood is no longer a suitable product for the heavy impact applications if stock, environmentally its a once use product. Steel as an altermative offers much more, stronger and much longer lasting and recyclable. Additionally to this stock yard design can be much more alligned  to stock behaviour science.

Created 06 April 2021

Environment And Energy Award

Environment And Energy Award

Magnation Key To Non Intrusive Water Treatment

Created 03 August 2020

Technipharm Profile

Technipharm Profile

Fieldays On Line

Created 03 August 2020

Fermenting And Soil Organics

Fermenting And Soil Organics

Research On Soil Organics Delivers Interesting Outcomes

Soil managemnt is always an intersting subject of discussion, much is still unknown, but as the world is looking for solutions of weanig itself off oil and chemicals interesting solutions emerge 

Created 03 August 2020

Auto Calf Feeders Report 2020

Auto Calf Feeders Report 2020

Feeding Calves Automated Reduces Labour

Auto feeders have been around for a long time, as one of NZ few remaing manufacturers of feeders TechniPharm has a 30 year history in providing feeders, from the early Irish Le Grains to the ROBOT feeder ( made in NZ) 

This Report prepared by the Dairy Exporter June 2020 

Created 28 June 2020

Achieve More With Less

Achieve More With Less

Irrigation And Water Storage In Nz

Report from ANZ on details of existing and future opportunity and  importance of water and irrigation in NZ 

Created 28 June 2020

Water, Is There Enough?

Water, Is There Enough?

Report On Global Water Sources And Supply

Mc Kensey and company report on Global water

Created 08 May 2020

Castrating With Eze

Castrating With Eze

Cattle Or Sheep Castrating

Created 07 February 2020

Tactical Use Of Nitrogen

Tactical Use Of Nitrogen

Climate Change 'best Practise'

Helpful article in respect of best use of N

Created 29 January 2020

Circular Agriculture

Circular Agriculture

Refuse Reduce Reuse Recycle Rehome Rot

Linear of Circular what was went what is now is outdated, back to what everyone use to do !

Created 23 October 2019

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