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Cattle Pro 1000™

Cattle Pro 1000(tm)Cattle Pro 1000(tm)Cattle Pro 1000(tm)Cattle Pro 1000(tm)
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Cattle Pro 1000™

Cattle Pro Series

NEW CATTLE PRO™ SERIES FROM TECHNIPHARM TechniPharm is releasing its first unit from the new Cattle Pro series of Cattle Handlers. The is a completely redesigned unit with some unique and special features, solid robust construction and at a price everyone can appreciate. The Cattle Pro 1000 features the very popular silent Hydralock® Midranger headbail, which is great for most general, basic cattle handling jobs. The unit features a totally new concept in floors (optional extra). Most older style handlers feature rubber lined, steel or wooden floor, but this unit has gone high tech in providing a fiberglass floor. This has significant advantages -the floor provides for a solid grip for animals in the unit, its totally corrosion and wear proof, its open so cleaning is easy, its lightweight and easy lift out provides opportunities for maintenance and cleaning of weigh bars. The unit has a build in Injectagate™ which gives the operator safe access to in the neck injection work Split gates both sides and a back up system in the top half of the gate which provides operators the opportunity to mother calves easily and have access to the bottom half of the animal with top gates providing support and backing bar providing lock in between head bail and locking bar. A solid straight up and down bar slide gates provides for a non climb gate - sliding gates should never have horizontal bars as it provides a ladder for cattle in the race which is a danger to animal and operator. The unit has both front and rear operation handles, is hot dip galvanized and has solid composite panels on both bottom doors which again provide a solid yet silent soft touch on the animal. The unit can be mounted on concrete or can be mounted on weighbars to function as a total handling weighing unit. Get yours now....



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