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Cow House, Wintering Pad or Feed Pad

We can help you realise the opportunities which will be talked about more and more. Designs for facilities for wintering or year round milking cows, be it under a roof in a "proper" freestall barn type CowHouse™ DairyHouse(™) or on a stand off/wintering pad.
With unique but well proven European and/or North American ideas in combination with our Kiwi farming know how we can offer a specialised solution

Big Farms Big Sheds Big IssuesBig Farms Big Sheds Big Issues
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Big Farms Big Sheds Big Issues

BIG Farms BIG Sheds, BIG Issues, BIG results....BIG Cow House Over the past few years a new development of large in-house farming is taking foothold in at this stage mainly Southland. TechniPharms Dutch born founder Harmen Heesen has been involved with several projects as consultant and advisor, helping to blend the best of KIWI with the right aspects and experience of Northern Hemisphere in house dairy farming. With a background in European and North American in house Dairy farming methods and having contacts around the globe, aswell as having 7 years NZ Dairy coal face farming experience and owning and running a successful Animal Handling and Farm Automation equipment company in both NZ and Australia for now over 20 years, Additionally at home I was exposed to what is involved in project management and architecture through my dads work. So combine all these facets and I find myself uniquely placed to deliver a lot of know-how and not thought of design aspects and detail to these large specialised projects. When you house 600 or 1000 cows there are many issues to consider. Particular animal welfare is a major, you put cows in a confined space, social dynamic and behaviour changes. If the design is not right, big problems can arise, ranging from cows developing arthritis in the joints, not being happy in the shed. Location is an other major issue to consider, where do we place this often large building in relation to other existing structures. Is there enough room for feed out wagons, silage pits and so on, Effluent is significant; slurry (not dirty water) produced at a rate of 20-50 cube per day or more is not something you wash away with a hose. Pumps normally sold for NZ effluent simply do not cut the mustard, or crap shall we say? When a farmer or builder engages me we spent quality time going over plans, concepts idea and cost benefits. At all times the focus is on animal welfare and overall farm production benefits. Getting to understand what drives a farmer and how to tailor the project is important, cow size, feeding philosophy, future breeding plans are all factors engineers or builders do not talk about, I do. The investment in a Cow house is to increase the bottom line, make working conditions superior to owners and staff, create better cow health and better production sustainability. Contrary to some believes, a Cowhouse in New Zealands pasture based conditions is a key to being environmentally sustainable, adding control to the previous always outside uncontrollable environment. If you are embarking on a Cowhouse project I guarantee you will significantly benefit from my engagement. either for a few days to go over plans or to coordinate the entire project.


Cowhouse Turn Key
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Cowhouse Turn Key

600 Cow Cowhouse Turn Key

This cowhouse is ready to roll all equiped for 100 to 1000 cows. Allow 3 months from building permit to completion. From $3000 to $4000 per cow From the leading specialist in cowhouse developments Where possible builder and contractors are all local people. Want to know more email cowhouse@technipharm.co.nz


Rubber Matting For Handlers And Races
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Rubber Matting For Handlers And Races

Best Grip Best Quality

This Rubber matting is super strong, thick and with great grip, options for you to choose, burled hammer or high profile. Great for a Cattle handling facility to stop noise and increase grip or get rid of the knee grader floor


Auto Feedpad Cleaning With Dungbuster
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Auto Feedpad Cleaning With Dungbuster

Dungbuster Feedpad Tm

TechniPharm is releasing a new Automatic Feedpad cleaning system. Many dairy farmers already have a Dungbuster™ Automatic Yard cleaner installed in their Dairy shed and know how that system has made their life so much easier. And now there is the Dungbuster Auto Feedpad(c) cleaner and the good thing is, there is no need or little need for water use! With TechniPharms experience in Automatic cleaning and solid effluent management this new system provides for a great solution to a dirty job and the good thing is its all labour free. Ideally the system is installed in new to be build feedpads, but existing feedpads can be modified. For a base fee TechniPharm will in conjunction with the farmer and or local builder provide a feedpad and cleaning system design and costings. Upon purchase of the system part or all of the design fee is credited. For your personal design consultation booking Call TechniPharm 0800 80 90 98 and ask for Harmen Or email hj@technipharm.co.nz NEWS RELEASE


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