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Ecobag™ Effluent Storage System

Ecobag(tm) Effluent Storage SystemEcobag(tm) Effluent Storage SystemEcobag(tm) Effluent Storage SystemEcobag(tm) Effluent Storage SystemEcobag(tm) Effluent Storage System
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Ecobag™ Effluent Storage System

From 1000 Cube To 15000 Cube

Storage of effluent is taking a whole new turn with an ECO BAG from Wieffering (EU) by TechniPharm . This great solution is not only very cost effective it also means you do need limited engineering as all is fully contained and you are fully covered for unwanted added rain water and objects which may get into the pond No issues with liner gas bubbles as this system is fully contained Less evaporation of valuable N , almost no smell and no crusting ever. System includes full mixing solutions.

Pay only for effective storage!



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