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Full Size Rotating Yoke™ Headbail ( Hd)

Full Size Rotating Yoke(tm) Headbail ( Hd)Full Size Rotating Yoke(tm) Headbail ( Hd)Full Size Rotating Yoke(tm) Headbail ( Hd)Full Size Rotating Yoke(tm) Headbail ( Hd)
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Full Size Rotating Yoke™ Headbail ( Hd)

Master Of The Pack In Hydraulic Power

The revolutionary, patented Rotating Yoke Head bail,no linkages, just two rotating yokes and a handle, the latter is not an up and down handle but also rotating which enables you to operate it with ease and from behind the animal. Winner of 10 Awards in both New Zealand and Australia. This headbail allows infinite locking with finger tip control in a positive and safe manner to both the animal and the operator. The headbail is locked by the award winning KwikLock™ ram which has set a new standard in silent locking mechanisms. In addition equiped with Secondary Safety System for full safety and protection no matter what! (recommended as an osh worksafe vic (Australia)feature for safety in publication beef cattle handling a practical safety guide This headbail will handle all cows, bulls and more, generally suited for larger properties or farmers whom just like very nice gear.

$8995.00 NZD + GST


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