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Gallagher 810 Monitor

Gallagher 810 Monitor
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Gallagher 810 Monitor

Great For Larger Properties

The 810 unit was only up to a few months ago the flagship monitor in the Gallagher range of weigh scales. All the Weigh Scale W610 features Electronic Identification Tag compatible (EID) weigh scale indicator MyScale Pro software and cables included Bluetooth communication with other devices plus: Animal notes stored with each weighing record. Define your own animal traits and activities. Connect to automated drafters and draft up to 9 ways by EID number, weight and list. Draft statistics displayed while weighing for animal audit. Draft category stored with animal record for later analysis. Multiple trait sessions for flexible data collection, faster weighing and weight gain display. Edit records on screen during weighing session. Assign up to 15 digit visual tag number against weight records and EID number. Stores 21,000 animals and 60,000 records. Bluetooth wireless connection for EID readers and drafters.

New just under $2000.- A great deal factory serviced @$1200.- plus GST ( see also the HD3500 bars in this ex trade offering)



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