Infinity Range Of High Performance Cattle Handlers
High Performance Suitability To Purpose Designed For You
For many years many animal handling companies have been very limited in their offerings to farmers by what is commonly known as a model by model approach, fixed features to a price model 1 and so one. For the buyer this means a risk that either the equipment is under or over specifications to purpose. Often when the unit is on farm its to late to change. We are also seeing units made in China with very limited features and options, very limited design to purpose consideration and often substandard manufacturing quality. At TechniPharm we have 30 years of pride in both our equipment and designs. Our team in design and sales have always worked towards delivering to a purpose, rather than just a price. There is no point in proving cheap and low quality driven by price and not achieving the outcomes required on farm. We are certain we have the most thought through headbail and handling systems any company can offer. We have more equipment design awards then any other company in NZ or Australia The next step in design is giving our clients total control over what they want and need in a Handler. Where in fixed models you are stuck with a certain headbail or entry gate, in our new Infinity- Handler™ range you choose what you need by clear identification of the end outcome. This way of designing a Cattle Handler means purpose, price and design are perfectly matched. This new way of matching design to purpose is possible through a very clever piece of software which allows total interaction by the farmer in the ordering process. Once the parameters are know the system creates the Cattle Handler and confirms this via a price offer or invoice. The details of the design go direct to the manufacturing facility in Tauranga and your handler is manufactured exactly to the specifications you have decided to best meet your animal handling needs At TechniPharm we consider this a leap forward in using smart technology with market demands, call it an internet of things interruption In time we think hauling steel to Field days and shows be a thing of the past , there is a huge cost to this which is paid for in the end by the customer. The new way of ordering your handler with the absolute security that it is fit for purpose does not lay in a steel box on show... its achieved by understanding and matching what you do step by step and match design and final product to that need. This new Infinity-Handler™ totally engaged system allows for that to happen . The Infinity-Handler™ range is backed up by a 100% money back guarantee and a brand upgrade policy which gives you an 80% trade value guarantee towards the next model up within 5 years of purchase date. Build your own infinity handler at