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On Farm Special Tools make farming ezy

We often come accross great ideas which help make farming ezy, yet many of these items never find their way to the greater market as often they are produced by smaller companies or in smaller centers. TechniPharm brings these innovative tools to the farming community by our Nationwide coverage and on line ordering systems 

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Scrub Cutting Now So Much Easier

Scrub cutting? ever tried a WEEDWAKKA? this tool is magic, fits any straight shaft brush cutter. This invention from our Aus friends is a try winner. Replace that stringline with the nylon blades for even and non tree debarking cutter, or use the steel blade for that real tough work. You will never go back to the manufacturers supplied blades .. WEEDWAKKA, ask for it by name... now direct from TechniPharm


Ripa Grip? Clamp
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Ripa Grip? Clamp

We all know how hard it is to hold two round pieces of steel together, slip slide and trial and error.. Now there is Ripa Grip a revolution in G clamp technolgoy, once you see how this works you never go back to a G clamp.


Fadge HolderFadge HolderFadge HolderFadge Holder
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Fadge Holder

Great Product For All Sorts Of Uses

This fadge holder frame is well known to Sheep farmers for dags and wool storage/ collecting, but this beauty has wheels and is super handy in all sorts of spaces, gardening, party recycling collection, factory waste/ offcuts etc. Wheel to any place where needed, take out and replace the fadge is easy.

Unit collapses to flat pack for easy storage and re use when needed. 

$599.00 NZD + GST
Part No. FHOW


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