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Polybelt™ HDPE Lining

Polybelt™ is a great product for revitalizing old yards, the smooth material comes in 1000mm high and up to 100 metre long lengths (or shorter to accommodate your order) Polybelt™ is easy to install and creates great flow. The smooth areas created are also great to ensure EID tags stay in the ears... rather than getting cought between rails and post.

Polybelt(tm) Hdpe LiningPolybelt(tm) Hdpe Lining
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Polybelt™ Hdpe Lining

Polybelt Hdpe Lining Material For Sheep Yards And More

Sheep yard renovating with polybelt™ is easy... some broken rails? no problem, just measure order and attach. Polybelt™ comes in 2 widths 1m and 1.5m and up to 100 metre lengths. You can even skip corners and make yards round to aid animal flow. Polybelt™ can be used in a yard or race, to screen off areas for better animal flow, as a windbreak. Polybelt™ can be used in a yard or race, to screen off areas for better animal flow, as a windbreak. Polybelt™ is a smooth, high quality, high density material made from specially formulated virgin polyethylene resin. You can buy TechniPharm Polybelt™ in 3 widths: 1m and 1.5m and 2 m and in lengths of up to 100 metres. ( small width variables can occur due to cutting accurace +/- 5%. Standard thicknes is 1.5 mm.  Custom sizes are possible with notice. 

Fastening polybelt is easy, it can be by pop rivets, flat head screws in wood or tig screws in steel, or for temporary applications: tie downs on star posts. 

$28.95 NZD + GST
Part No. PBLTM

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