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Smart Yards Package 110

Smart Yards Package 110
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Smart Yards Package 110

Smart Yard Plans And Great Start Now Packages Up To 110 Head

The 110 yard is a great way to address any animal handling for the medium size herd a smaller herd. Easy set up, allow 1 day for 2 people, no concrete required and can be put on grass if required to be moved. Or if in a permanent location we recommend a gravel/rotten rock or metal pad and a bit of concrete for the handler and drafting area. A quality well designed NZ designed and made Handler will ensure you get value for money and best design and features plus you can benefit from a brand value upgrade guarantee

The headbaill in this system won several awards over the years, its a well proven design first introduced in 1995. Full walkthrough and silent locking standard features



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$31500.00 NZD plus GST

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