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Smart-Yards™ Package

This range of set plans and packages is a great way to get started.
Everything you need is there and ready for you to get started and get this great new yard on your place.

Good animal handling starts with a well designed handler and TechniPharm is the place to go for these, our 30 years experience in NZ design and build handlers is one of the longest if not the longest in NZ. TechniPharm handlers are used all over NZ with leading producers and organisations.
Technipharm handlers have many award winning features which over the years have proven themselves adding profit to the bottom line.

We invite you to explore the attached designs, and remember TechniPharm has a 5 year guaranteed 80% trade in value upgrade brand policy on all Handlers.

We make farming ezy

Smart Yards  Package 30
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Smart Yards Package 30

Smart Yard Plans And Great Start Now Packages Up To 30 Head

This small yard is a great way to address any animal handling for a smaller herd or sporadic handling on the grazing block or run off. Easy set up, allow 1-2 hours and 2 people, no concrete required and can be put on grass if required to be moved. Or if in a permanent location we recommend a gravel/rotten rock or metal pad A quality well designed NZ designed and made Handler will ensure you get value for money and best design and features plus you can benefit from a brand value upgrade guarantee

The headbaill in this system won several awards over the years, its a well proven design first introduced in 1995. Full walkthrough and silent locking standard features


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$12995.00 NZD plus GST

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Smart Yards Package 110
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Smart Yards Package 110

Smart Yard Plans And Great Start Now Packages Up To 110 Head

The 110 yard is a great way to address any animal handling for the medium size herd a smaller herd. Easy set up, allow 1 day for 2 people, no concrete required and can be put on grass if required to be moved. Or if in a permanent location we recommend a gravel/rotten rock or metal pad and a bit of concrete for the handler and drafting area. A quality well designed NZ designed and made Handler will ensure you get value for money and best design and features plus you can benefit from a brand value upgrade guarantee

The headbaill in this system won several awards over the years, its a well proven design first introduced in 1995. Full walkthrough and silent locking standard features


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$31500.00 NZD plus GST

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