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The Hoofcare Groomer Supreme

The Hoofcare Groomer Supreme
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The Hoofcare Groomer Supreme

Hoofcare Groomer Supreme

Treating lameness.. Dont wrangle them.. Groom them! This unit is a mobile Hoofcare Groomer™ with 10 seven rail panels, fully hot dipped. They link in at the rear of the Groomer with simple drop in pins, this is great for making a quick setup any where on farm where there is no race or yards. Treating lame cows in a proper and safe manner will increase your efficiency and profitability. when you need to trim those hooves there is no point in making it harder than what it should be. This unit gives you total control effortlessly. Hoofcare has never been easier.. now with our new non slip clutch winches (no kickback on these!) and FREE hoofcare manual. Price on application.

Equiped with Hydralock® locking ram and a Concertina full width opening head clamp


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