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Weeyards Greenline™ Panel

Weeyards Greenline(tm) PanelWeeyards Greenline(tm) PanelWeeyards Greenline(tm) PanelWeeyards Greenline(tm) Panel
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Weeyards Greenline™ Panel

WeeYards Greenline™ Panel - ideal for the lifestyle farmer. Just because you handle fewer animals does not mean to say you need less gear or equipment which is light and weak. In the end any large farmer or lifestyle farmer will handle each animal by itself. The Greenline™ however, are built to allow the larger animals to be handled in a special high tensile yard system which can deal with the size animal but not with the large mob sizes. Which is what sets it apart from the Smart Yards™ system or alternative steel yards. The Greenline™ is smart, looks good (its got that green line!), its strong, its got a wide profile visual impact railing system, its galvanized, it provides instant panel length adjustment (rails can be cut and reasembled easily within the frames) and its a safe system with the unique escape roll under rail, which creates extra safety for people in yards who normally may not be totally familiar with handling cattle. The escape space allows someone to drop to the ground and roll under the rail (say if a bull or cow becomes aggressive). Panel specifications: rail: 63mm heigh 37mm wide all pregalv (supergalv) green rail: zinc shield plus powder coat panel length: 2530 mm c to c lug height: 1510 mm feet both ends post: 63 by 37 U profile folded, hot dipped galvanized, HT 2 mm rail spacing: 215 mm bottom rail: 350 mm (roll escape space)



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